Map Query

Data query operation for the published data can be done by SuperMap Online. The query methods, query parameters and target projection can be set, and the query result supports dynamic projection where the query result can be converted to the Meter unit of the target coordinates system. The following shows how to overlay the query result with Baidu maps.

Step1 View the relation between the source and target coordinates systems

The supported conversion by SuperMap Online:

Source coordinates system Code Target coordinates system Code
3857 4326、3857
4326 3857、4326、910101、910102、910111、910112
910101 910102、910111
910102 910101、910111
910111 910101、910102

**Supported coordinates system types by SuperMap Online: **

Coordinates system Code Supported maps
GPS latitude and longitude 4326 Tianditu
GPS Mercator 3857 Tianditu
Navinfo, AutoNavi latitude and longitude 910101 SuperMap Cloud, Navinfo and AutoNavi
Navinfo, AutoNavi Mercator 910111 SuperMap Cloud, Navinfo and AutoNavi
Baidu latitude and longitude 910102 Baidu
Baidu Mercator 910112 Baidu

Step2 Go to query result collection page

Open the published service URL in Publish Data, choose ”queryResults” in the "Supported operation interfaces" window, access the query result collection page:

Click ”queryResults”, configure the query parameters.

Step3 Query result set according to the target coordinate system

Perform these operations step by step:

  • Select the "POST" method in the "HTTP method"
  • Set the query parameters
  • Check "whether to return results directly"
  • Choose target coordinate system
  • Click "Create query result" to quey

The parameters descriptions are:

  • Query mode: including SQL query, closest feature query, distance query, spatial query and bounds query
  • returned information of query: attributes, feature, attribute and feature
  • Target coordinate system: 3857, 4326, 910101(Navinfo, AutoNavi latitude and longitude), 910111(Navinfo, AutoNavi Mercator), 910102(Baidu latitude and longitude) Supported output formats: xml, json, rjson, html, jsonp

Step4 Output query result

After performing "Create query result", the query result can be viewed in the output window.